
Unlock your business in minutes

Efficiently tackle your to-do list in mere minutes, not prolonged hours.

Give it a try

Storied helps people who have lots of great ideas but don’t have time to work them out.

Success stories and uses

All features you need in one place

Followup after meetings

The way you followup after a meeting is often important as the meeting itself. Read up on how you can synthesize your ideas create a summary that makes you look great! It only takes minutes. Try it
Record when you're on the go
Get suggestions to clarify your points
Rewrite as an email
Share to google docs and more

Engage your stakeholders

You’re a solopreneur but you’re probably not operating entirely on your own. Send updates to your stakeholders to build and leverage the support of your “personal board of advisors.”
Get past writer's block
Record on mobile or web
Edit and remove points with AI
Export to Integrations

Get more done with clear requirements

You’re probably engaging freelancers accelerate your work. They need clear instructions. Talk our your ideas to create project descriptions that everyone understands
Record for as long as you need
Answer clarifying questions
Rewrite to extend points
Share a link in Slack

Create Effective Marketing Posts Fast

Talk out your ideas and post them online. Every solopreneur needs to create content without spending much time.
Record when you have ideas
Get feedback to clarify the points
Rewrite for multiple sources
Export directly to Linkedin

Export to the platform you need!

Copy the output, Share a link, Export to Google Docs,
Linkedin & More
Copy to clipbard
Share as a link
Export to Google Docs
Export to LinkedIn and More!

Unblock your business in minutes

Storied is not just a tool - it's a paradigm shift in how to approach meetings
Try it!